News Archive

BC Wet Coast Weather Reminder

BC Wet Coast Weather Reminder. Parents please ensure your child/ren have weather appropriate clothing as at recess and lunch all students go outside – rain or shine or snow.

To be completely prepared for wet-weather outdoor time, it is important for your child/ren to have appropriate clothing such as:

  • a rain jacket or waterproof jacket
  • rubber boots or waterproof boots
  • an umbrella
  • a rain hat or coat with hood
  • a change of clothes (shoes, pants, socks, briefs, t-shirt) to be kept at school in the classroom.

Severe weather accommodations.  We occasionally have weather conditions that are unreasonable to expect students to stay outside in. These days include hard, driving rain with extreme cold or wind. In these situations, we intend to declare it an inside day. This will be decided by the principal on a case-by-case basis; however, students are still expected to come to school completely prepared for outdoor play time and should not come to school expecting to be inside during recess and lunch.